Recent content by kingcobey78

  1. kingcobey78

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team due 28/05, will it launch? ... Nope!

    I can't see many people forking out much money for the packs if that's what Bigant is expecting. The excitement about the game has all but died off and only the diehard fans continue to play it. I will expect a jump in play when Proteam finally rolls out but like everything Bigant releases...
  2. kingcobey78

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team due 28/05, will it launch? ... Nope!

    Then why blur the number next to the 2. Bigant just always seem to not provide the whole truth about stuff. IMO I think this is older footage they've had from last year. I think the blurred out number would be Season 23 in full and this would also explain why player ratings are different in...
  3. kingcobey78

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team due 28/05, will it launch? ... Nope!

    Michaels, any reason they have blurred out the number next the 2 in Season 2_? Seems a bit odd unless it's old footage from last year they've been sitting on. Why blur it if it's nothing?
  4. kingcobey78

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team due 28/05, will it launch? ... Nope!

    That was obvious when Ross was contacting guys on this forum and asking them to stop posting videos of the issues. It also shows the maturity when they block people for questioning some of their decisions.
  5. kingcobey78

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team due 28/05, will it launch? ... Nope!

    This is the only reason I would've been keen on Proteam to play as a Dunstall, Ablett, Kernahan etc. As someone had previously posted the stats are not to far apart and therefore it's just a name. If no legends, what is the difference then from trading, drafting certain current players into...
  6. kingcobey78

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team due 28/05, will it launch? ... Nope!

    This doesn't explain the multitude of patches that were then released following the release of Cricket 24. The amount of bugs that game had from release was just as bad. Bigant have a record of releasing bugged games.
  7. kingcobey78

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team due 28/05, will it launch? ... Nope!

    People from overseas would have a different perception of how Cricket 24 has gone considering the complaints on Twitter that I've read. This was my point above. People are saying it's now "playable". Improved yes definitely. Playable? To a point it is but there's still a lot of glitches e.g...
  8. kingcobey78

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team due 28/05, will it launch? ... Nope!

    Playable? Maybe but still with a heap of glitches. There are streamers who have shown these existing glitches which do still affect the game. Again if you believe this to be the truth! Exactly! These fixes in March this year were issues that had been reported from day one e.g. teleporting...
  9. kingcobey78

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team due 28/05, will it launch? ... Nope!

    The best one of the lot!
  10. kingcobey78

    WWE TV, Rumours and Discussion (On FOX8, Kayo and Binge)

    Anyone see the Dustin Rhodes message to The Rock? I hope he is allowed to appear at Mania to be in Cody's corner. I also have read that rumour is CM Punk may be guest ref for Rollins v McIntyre title match.
  11. kingcobey78

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team due 28/05, will it launch? ... Nope!

    This has always been my worry about this game. The stuck in mudd, invisible wall, handball wrong direction, players running round in circles etc. have never been fixed in any of the patches to date yet is one of the most complained about aspects of the game. Are Bigant unable to fix it? If yes...
  12. kingcobey78

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team due 28/05, will it launch? ... Nope!

    It still amazes me that these have not been fixed. This is something that has continuously been complained about yet Bigant seem to have ignored the issues completely. Why? Is it something they can't fix? The fact that if Bigant can not fix the stuck in mud, movement issues then Proteam being...
  13. kingcobey78

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team due 28/05, will it launch? ... Nope!

    I think you're kidding yourself. Their resources have been 100% towards Cricket 24 and trying to get that game up to scratch. According to many it's still not great!. I would dare say they've started working on patching AFL about 4 weeks ago which is about when Cricket 24 patches stopped.
  14. kingcobey78

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team due 28/05, will it launch? ... Nope!

    I'll be surprised if the patch drops for PS on the 19th. All other patches that have dropped have been on steam first and then PS weeks later due to "testing".
  15. kingcobey78

    Multiplat AFL 23 - Part 2: Pro Team due 28/05, will it launch? ... Nope!

    Someone please explain why it's taking until round 7 to have new draftee names added to the lists on the game? 100%. If the same issues are still there, all the Proteam and patches will be useless. Proteam needs to be something special also.