Recent content by dewcefault

  1. D

    The Nuclear debate

    very true
  2. D

    The Nuclear debate I was actually surprised at how relatively high teachers salaries can be that's not to say I think they are well paid for the important work that they do. For those that don't want to click on the link a senior teacher in WA can make around...
  3. D

    UK UK general election, July 4

    That's the problem with no preferential voting.
  4. D

    Opinion West Coast and Fremantle should have bases in Melbourne

    We're a younger club now so hubs less of an issue. Also that was a unique circumstance with covid and the unknown. If you know you're going on a 2 week work trip every year you could plan with your family accordingly. Id actually go one further and say that we should do one up the East Coast...
  5. D

    Multiplat Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    The different mechanics take a while but once you've figured things out, it'll make sense. I can't remember the trick but I do remember struggling with lock picking at first It's a hard game! Combat takes a lot of time too to get the hang of...
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    Multiplat Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    It's an excellent game
  7. D

    If Facebook pulled out....

    You have to face off against these big corporates. I don't think this is the topic to do it on, I'd much rather it was over taxes/income earnt from Aus operations but can't let them bully nations. While they might be able to pull out of aus (or more likely geo block aus) to make a statement...
  8. D

    The Liberal Party - How long? - Part 2

    From that time until now and probably for the foreseeable future
  9. D

    USA Roe, the evangelicals and the war on choice

    What's funny is that Alabama still has the death penalty which is a position that should be very difficult to support if you truly believe all of that Somehow I don't think the people of Alabama would agree
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    Another US mass shooting

    Thanks for taking your time on such a detailed reply. As an outsider looking in, it's hard to disagree with your assessment. I'd probably like to throw in one last variable which is the impact of Communism on US culture. From religion to its modern relationship with guns I think some of these...
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    Another US mass shooting

    Genuine question: When you mention freedom fighting and pioneering are you referring to the American Revolution and the wild west era? I can't think of more recent/any examples of freedom fighting (maybe the civil war?) but nothing from the mid 19th century onwards. Interesting if the way that...
  12. D

    Nat Wars; The Beetrooter Strikes Back (An $80m production)

    Maybe not Gina but she owns her company. Do the senior leaders of the listed major mining companies, I can assure you that even the CEO would if he was acting like Barnaby in board meetings. Politicians don't own this country and we should probably stop acting like they do. I can't imagine...
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    Nat Wars; The Beetrooter Strikes Back (An $80m production)

    Surely parliament needs drug and alcohol testing. No different to the mining industry except if you're off your rocker inside parliament house you have the ability to influence the fate of the nation
  14. D

    What would a Dutton Liberal leadership mean for the Liberals and the country?

    I think it's much more likely they go further to the right than bring in someone from the Liberal Left (who is genuinely left?) Libs will rely on the huge rusted on plus enough people annoyed with Labor to get back into power eventually. Particularly given the last few elections have been won...
  15. D

    South Am Javier Milei. Here we go again.

    You don't need an ID to vote in Australia