What are you Reading ... đź“š

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Seeing there's what are you listening to, watching a travel thread a foodies thread, thought some of the readers on here might like to share (hello @MEB)

I'm reading at the moment 'The Truth about the Harry Quebert affair' ... By Joel Dicker a massive seller in Europe, translated from french 600 plus pages, on the home stretch, quite quirky Due to translation I suppose, so the humour comes a across as slap stick, its just taken an interesting twist... Who dunnit
Last book i read was The Murder of Rodger Ackroyd. I did see somewhere that Agatha Christie had nominated it as her best work.

That was a few years ago and havent read anything since.

Esky i think you may have left the _ off MEB_
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I love this thread! I don't have any books on the go at the moment, but a stack that I need to get to. Has anyone read Perfume or Anna Karenina? Don't know which to start first.

Anna Karenina is an epic...Tolstoy never read it but have watched a few adaptions, the most recent on the ABC - The Beautiful Lie...great series, my sister in law loved Perfume, I haven't read it,
I love this thread! I don't have any books on the go at the moment, but a stack that I need to get to. Has anyone read Perfume or Anna Karenina? Don't know which to start first.

Tried reading it once. Stopped after a few pages, which is very rare for me. But I was super busy at the time and probably didn't give it the attention it deserved.

Edit: a very well-read friend of mine has told me that Anna K is one of the best books she has ever read.

I haven't read any other Tolstoy, but went through a Dostoevsky phase years ago. Crime and punishment is possibly the best book I have ever read. The Idiot is brilliant, The Gambler was pretty good and some short stories were ok.

But seriously, get yourself a copy of C & P. Amazing.
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Just finished "dogfight:a love story" by matt burgess. about a low level corner boy in queens, whose brother is coming out of jail in about a week. the struggles of surviving, dealing with family history, his brother, and starting his own family.

it was good. sort of like the new york based novels of jonathon lethem with less of the historical background.

Just started "between the world and me" by ta-nehisi coates. it made it on to a lot of best of 2015 lists. father writing to his son about being black in america. really enjoying how straight forward he is - on his experience, influences and how he sees whites. opening up another point of view to me.

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Often the books are significantly different to the movie.

The best books, it doesn't matter if you know the ending.

The plot is less important than making you think about life or being so well written that you can picture the scenes better than a movie can show or just being so riveting that you can't wait to get to the next page...

Books give so much more scope for filling out characters, back story, scene detail, feelings, internal struggles than a movie ever can.

Combining reading and footy. I listen to 3RRR, and this morning they were discussing this book with Alicia Sometimes, one of the editors.

Football lovers from diverse backgrounds writing articles. Sounded interesting and a better diversion than the social media on Rebecca Maddern getting a gig on the footy show. Not that I'll watch, but hope she goes alright.

I grew up around country footy clubs. Best ones were inclusive and diverse. As a female (not sure I've said that on BF?) I was always encouraged to share the love for the game.

(Discovered they also have started a podcast called outer sanctum, but its not the appropriate thread for that)

Also just finished "Island Home" by Tim Winton. Writings on the environment and social change - especially around WA. Kind of a companion to "The Bush" by Don Watson, but with more of a focus on the coastal fringe. I like Mr Winton's writing, so thoroughly enjoyed.

Anyone got any recommendations/faves in the fiction/literature realm?
I love reading as I have a long commute on public transport I get a lot done. At the moment I am reading the Light between Oceans, which is set in a lighthouse in 1926 in Albany. Another one I was recommended, is I Am Pilgrim, also Australian and apparently it is set to become a movie. MEB I read Perfume and loved it, but the movie is meant to be crap. When I was in Spain a couple of years, I was in the Old Quarter of Barcelona and I was told that a part of the movie was filmed there. I could see why.
Light between oceans.. Have that on my kindle

Reading a book by Patgi Smith called Just Kids her meeting/life with Mapelthorpe in. New York in the 60's & 70's two young artists finding their way... Love it so far
Update please. How did you go? I really enjoyed Perfume!
Just been getting some audiobooks lately to listen to while riding to work...not a moments peace with young kids:(
Just finished listening to "The Rosie Project". Thoroughly recommended! Hysterical.
My heart sank when I saw your tag because I've been so lazy and I've not read a thing! However, I'm on holidays in a week and I'm planning on taking Perfume with me so I'll get back to you after that. I loved The Rosie Project!

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