Welcome: Which games do you have or want?

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I currently own, and am about to ship along with myself from Portugal to Australia:

2 de Mayo
7 Wonders
Alien Frontiers
Android: Netrunner
Antike Duellum
Article 27: The UN Security Council Game
Ascending Empires
The Awful Green Things From Outer Space
Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles
Battle Line
Bios: Megafauna
Blue Moon
Carcassonne: Inns & Cathedrals
Carcassonne: The River
Carson City
The Castle of the Devil
Catan Card Game
Chaos in the Old World
Chicken Caesar
Clash of Cultures
Claustrophobia: De Profundis
Cold War: CIA vs KGB
Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! Russia 1941-1942
Conflict of Heroes: Price of Honour; Poland 1939
Cosmic Encounter
D-Day at Omaha Beach
D-Day Dice
Dominant Species
Dominant Species: The Card Game
Dungeon Lords
Earth Reborn
Eclipse: Supernova
Empire of the Sun
The End of the Triumvirate
Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia
A Few Acres of Snow
Fighting Formations: Grossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division
Flash Point: Fire Rescue
Francis Drake
Fury of Dracula
Galaxy Trucker
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition)
Glen More
Glenn Drover's Empires: The Age of Discovery
Grand Dames of Small World
El Grande
Hammer of the Scots
Hansa Teutonica
Hellenes: Campaigns of the Peloponnesian War
Hey, That's My Fish!
High Frontier
Invasion from Outer Space: The Martian Game
Julius Caesar
Jungle Speed
Junta: Viva el Presidente!
King of Siam
Letters from Whitechapel
Lost Cities
Love Letter
Mage Knight Board Game
Mage Wars
Modern Art
Mr. Jack
Mr. Jack in New York
Mr. Jack Pocket
Napoleon's Triumph
Napoleon: The Waterloo Campaign, 1815
Neuroshima Hex!
Nexus Ops
No Retreat! Solitaire
No Retreat! The Russian Front
Ora et Labora
Pax Porfiriana
Puerto Rico
Race for the Galaxy
Race for the Galaxy: The Gathering Storm
The Resistance
Richard III: The Wars of the Roses
Roads & Boats
Rommel in the Desert
Rune Age
Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan
The Settlers of Catan
Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game
Small World
Space Alert
Space Empires: 4X
Space Hulk (third edition)
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game
Strike of the Eagle
Successors (third edition)
Summoner Wars
Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends
Terra Mystica
Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization
Tigris & Euphrates
Twilight Struggle
Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar
Vasco da Gama
A Victory Lost
Warhammer: Invasion
Wars of the Roses: Lancaster vs. York
Washington's War
The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow

I'm not planning too many more purchases in the next few months!
Wow............... :)
Hey coffeelover, yeah, there are stacks and stacks of fun new games out there.

There are some nice games on this top ten list here -

Try one out that catches your eye. Generally you could start with games like Ticket to Ride, Powergrid, Settlers of Catan, Dominion. They are accessible super popular games.

Thanks Must look more and get into some of them .................

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Wil Wheaton's Tabletop got me back into games after last playing as a primary school kid. My collection is small and mostly less than a year old:

Cards Against Humanity plus expanions 1, 2, 3, Xmas: Never get enough people with enough drunk in the one place to play it
Deadzone: A skirmish level miniatures wargame/boardgame hybrid, only played it once so far but really fun
Fallen City of Karez: Do not buy this game. Biggest Kickstarter regret.
Forbidden Desert
HeroQuest + Return of the Witchlord + against the Ogre Horde: :D
King of Crime
Last Night on Earth
Love Letter
Machine of Death
Matching Lions: Fun card game designed by a 5 year old, kickstarter done right
Solar Circuit Racing: Some friends and former colleagues made this one, a little complicated for my guys here just yet so not gotten to it
Star Fluxx
Star Trek TNG Interactive VCR Game : :eek:
Story War
Ticket to Ride: Europe: Got my friends into gaming using this one, it has worked well. Now to get them to try all the others on this list.

I've also got coming by Kickstarter, as long as there are no catastrophes

Lagoon: Land of Druids
Dreadball Xtreme
Matching Manatees
Tiny Epic Kingdoms
404 Law Not Found
Mars Attacks
High Heavens

I'd really like to own a few of the staples though, like Settles of Catan, Carcassonne, Alhambra, Takenoko, Dominion, Galaxy Trucker, Small World Underground, Dominion.

I also have a few small wargaming armies that I'm working on in my spare time
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Wow ! Didn't know there were so many board games . Am interested though. All I really knew about are the old ones, like Monopoly, and one about a sheep property lol Didn't realise so many people were into these games . :)Most of my friends/ aquaintances play some form of cards.
Squatter. Another family classic growing up.

A big jump for many of us is from the American style gaming e.g. Risk/Monopoly.
Key features being:
- when its your turn typically not many others are involved
- the winner is the last man standing, people drop out as you go and if thats you alot it SUCKS

And jumping to European style gaming e.g. Settles of Catan/Peurto Rico etc.. anything with 'Spiel Des Jahres' (German for game of the year)
Key features being:
- everyone is involved in most turns. Either by trading, or simultenous game play. There is no leaving the room for 15 minutes whilst someone else chooses how to deck out their hotels on which properties or build their armies.
- everyone is typically in teh game until the end when a point system or something similar determines the winner.

It's a huge jump and opens up a massive world of gaming possibilities.

If you're not on boardgamegeek.com then make it your mission to have a look today ;)
Wil Wheaton's Tabletop got me back into games after last playing as a primary school kid. My collection is small and mostly less than a year old:

Cards Against Humanity plus expanions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Xmas: Never get enough people with enough drunk in the one place to play it
Deadzone: A skirmish level miniatures wargame/boardgame hybrid, only played it once so far but really fun
Fallen City of Karez: Do not buy this game. Biggest Kickstarter regret.
Forbidden Desert
HeroQuest + Return of the Witchlord + against the Ogre Horde: :D
King of Crime
Last Night on Earth
Love Letter
Machine of Death
Matching Lions: Fun card game designed by a 5 year old, kickstarter done right
Solar Circuit Racing: Some friends and former colleagues made this one, a little complicated for my guys here just yet so not gotten to it
Star Fluxx
Star Trek TNG Interactive VCR Game : :eek:
Story War
Ticket to Ride: Europe: Got my friends into gaming using this one, it has worked well. Now to get them to try all the others on this list.

I've also got coming by Kickstarter, as long as there are no catastrophes

Lagoon: Land of Druids
Dreadball Xtreme
Matching Manatees
Tiny Epic Kingdoms
404 Law Not Found
Mars Attacks
High Heavens

I'd really like to own a few of the staples though, like Settles of Catan, Carcassonne, Alhambra, Takenoko, Dominion, Galaxy Trucker, Small World Underground, Dominion.

I also have a few small wargaming armies that I'm working on in my spare time
YOu cracked open Last Night on Earth yet? I got it for christmas last year after having on wish list for yeras. Hoping to crack open on Saturday night when go visit my sister and brother in law in victor (was his idea to give to me for christmas). Problem is sister has not enjoyed the massive gaming focus fthe family has evolved last few years... was fine when playing yahtzee and Cranium... she's not into the themed 'real games' so much ;) Wife is so hopefully the 3 of us can talk walking dead and play out our zombie battle appropriately.

Don't stress on the 'staples'. For me if you've got a regular group of folks you play with.. just cover each other's gaps. That's the key.
Yeah played a few games of LNoE, just enough to figure out most of the rules really (the first game my zombies got trounced because I forgot there was a hand limit on item cards). I'd played it myself before, but it was the first time here, it's pretty fun.

My group is basically just my friends of 15 years, plus their wife and fiance, with varying levels of interest and then varying fields of interest we've not fully explored yet - and the gaps, well, it's less gaps more a border zone, because I own all of our games.
LNoE is a good game. I played it for the first time at GenCon in 2011 and we were massively outnumbered by the zombies the guy running it sucked all the fun out of it actually, but I played it when I came back to Melbourne and its quite fun.
I was given A Games of Thrones: 2nd Edition for my birthday a couple of years back. Have played it a couple of times but seemed to be quite involved in terms of game phases and available actions. I like it, but imagine it would be easier and more enjoyable through multiple regular plays.

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I was given A Games of Thrones: 2nd Edition for my birthday a couple of years back. Have played it a couple of times but seemed to be quite involved in terms of game phases and available actions. I like it, but imagine it would be easier and more enjoyable through multiple regular plays.
Great game - but yeah has alot of mechanics. And that's even before you get to the strategy.
Really enjoyed it each time I've played it but it requires planning for a big session. And repeat plays with the same people helps.. no point trying to bring in a novice into a big game.
Ah forgot I managed to convince the missus she should get 'Dixit' from Santa ;)
We really enjoy it. Have thrown it onto the end of a games night or 2 where we didn't want something big to finish the night, but needed 'something'.

I assume you saw that on tabletop as well?

Certainly did! It looks interesting, but honestly not sure i could get my lot to play it. Aside from me, it's friend 1 who is interested in everything right up to and including asking me to teach him wargames like 40k and enjoyed the round of Deadzone we played, friend 2/fiance of friend 3 who likes games and the idea of gaming, has fun, but I think is still trying to find her favourite genre, wife of friend 1 who isn't much of a gamer but happily plays along because it's social and the bargain I struck with her to keep everyone together once kids start happening, and friend 3 who is a little more reluctant, and is that guy who takes twice as long to take his turn as everyone else at the table combined.

So I'm working within that, going to try them on co-op with Pandemic and Forbidden Island next. Ticket to Ride was enjoyed but the comment was "maybe a little too competitive to play all the time".
Haha... break out game of thrones on them....

Dixit is great unless you get ppl who like to use their in jokes/knowledge. E.g. couple friends of ours we played with are dr who nuts. My wife and I ars less than interested. So they just used dr who clues all night.

Wtf isTrenzalore and why do I care someone is buried there.
Been playing for a few years with mainly one other couple who love it as well. Started out just different monoplys and then catan and then it blew up from there. Big buy up over the last year or two. Current list is:

Ticket to Ride
Munchikan apocalypse
Fluxx pirates
Flux zombies
Castle panic
Forbidden desert
Pandemic on the brink
Game of thrones 2nd edition
Lords of waterdeep(close to current favourite)
Lords of waterdeep: scoundrels of skullport
The resistance
Merchants and mauraders
Heroscape(and a lot of expansions)
Dixit plus expansion
Plus some magic and some d&d stuff.

Wants(most pressing):
Shadows over Camelot
Betrayal on house on the hill
Many many others

As for dixit I don't mind it good game for non gamers as it's easy to teach and play, but find it can get repetetive very quickly.

Has anyone played any heroscape? One of my favorites a very simple miniatures wargame with lots of different styled characters (including marvel superheroes and villains).
Hmm. Looking like I need to give Lords of Waterdeep a good look in.

Appealed to me immediately due to being a bit of a Forgotten Realms novel reader as a teen. Elfsong, Elfshadown etc stuff with the half-elf chick assasin and Danilo Thann the Bard/Mage nephew of the Blackstaff. Really enjoyed those books and they gave a good overview of Waterdeep.

Lots of you seem to own and rate it... adding to wish list....... now.
I'v e been really getting into Board Games in the last year. My current collection is small, but working on building it up:

Aye, Dark Overlord!
Bolt Action: Open Fire
Game of Thrones: 2nd Edition
Mansions of Madness
Red November
The Resistance: Avalon
Star Wars: The X-Wing Miniatures Game
Star Wars: Edge of the Empire

Next purchase will probably be Battlestar Galactica.
Yeah definitely recommend waterdeep. Theme is well executed, fun resource allocation and collection mechanics. And the expansion add some fun variants with a risk reward mechanic. Have heard its a bit simple, but think there is enough strategy and decisions to keep you interested. Definitely got me interested in more worker placement games!
I currently own, and am about to ship along with myself from Portugal to Australia:

2 de Mayo
7 Wonders
Alien Frontiers
Android: Netrunner
Antike Duellum
Article 27: The UN Security Council Game
Ascending Empires
The Awful Green Things From Outer Space
Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles
Battle Line
Bios: Megafauna
Blue Moon
Carcassonne: Inns & Cathedrals
Carcassonne: The River
Carson City
The Castle of the Devil
Catan Card Game
Chaos in the Old World
Chicken Caesar
Clash of Cultures
Claustrophobia: De Profundis
Cold War: CIA vs KGB
Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! Russia 1941-1942
Conflict of Heroes: Price of Honour; Poland 1939
Cosmic Encounter
D-Day at Omaha Beach
D-Day Dice
Dominant Species
Dominant Species: The Card Game
Dungeon Lords
Earth Reborn
Eclipse: Supernova
Empire of the Sun
The End of the Triumvirate
Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia
A Few Acres of Snow
Fighting Formations: Grossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division
Flash Point: Fire Rescue
Francis Drake
Fury of Dracula
Galaxy Trucker
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition)
Glen More
Glenn Drover's Empires: The Age of Discovery
Grand Dames of Small World
El Grande
Hammer of the Scots
Hansa Teutonica
Hellenes: Campaigns of the Peloponnesian War
Hey, That's My Fish!
High Frontier
Invasion from Outer Space: The Martian Game
Julius Caesar
Jungle Speed
Junta: Viva el Presidente!
King of Siam
Letters from Whitechapel
Lost Cities
Love Letter
Mage Knight Board Game
Mage Wars
Modern Art
Mr. Jack
Mr. Jack in New York
Mr. Jack Pocket
Napoleon's Triumph
Napoleon: The Waterloo Campaign, 1815
Neuroshima Hex!
Nexus Ops
No Retreat! Solitaire
No Retreat! The Russian Front
Ora et Labora
Pax Porfiriana
Puerto Rico
Race for the Galaxy
Race for the Galaxy: The Gathering Storm
The Resistance
Richard III: The Wars of the Roses
Roads & Boats
Rommel in the Desert
Rune Age
Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan
The Settlers of Catan
Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game
Small World
Space Alert
Space Empires: 4X
Space Hulk (third edition)
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game
Strike of the Eagle
Successors (third edition)
Summoner Wars
Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends
Terra Mystica
Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization
Tigris & Euphrates
Twilight Struggle
Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar
Vasco da Gama
A Victory Lost
Warhammer: Invasion
Wars of the Roses: Lancaster vs. York
Washington's War
The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow

I'm not planning too many more purchases in the next few months!
What are your thoughts on Letters to Whitechapel? I've purchased it and had a bit of a read through the rules and it seems a bit full on for my liking. Considering selling it without giving it a go as it'll be too hard to find people interested in it for me by the look of it.
Love the Euro games since being introduced to them a couple of years ago.

Settlers of Catan
Stone Age
Forbidden Island
Forbidden Desert
Ticket to Ride
7 Wonders
Cards against Humanity
Carcassone, with the expansions that aren't stupid (like the dragon).

Plenty want to get a hold of, that have enjoyed playing others have brought along. The two want to get next are Age of Empires and Pandemic.

Also always on the look out for ones that are decent as two player games (as my wife is a Euro-game fan as well) or three players and suitable for kids 8+ (as currently indoctrinating the eldest son in the world of the geek).
I mostly lurk in the Dee's forum - I never realised there was a nerdy subforum like this!

I've been a gamer ever since I got red box D&D when I was nine. I play a wide variety of games with my wife (and occasionally with friends) a mix of euro, AT and card games. Of late we have played a lot of Castles of Burgundy, Notre Dame (both Stefan Feld), Caverna and a heap of Yomi. Yomi is one of my favourite games of all time, it is a bit underrated IMO.

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